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Noga Barlev | נגה ברלב


Noga Barlev, born in Israel in 2007, started her violin playing at age 5

and studies with Mrs. Ludmila Feldman in a program for an outstanding

musician at the Israel Conservatory of Music Tel – Aviv and the

Jerusalem Music Center.

Noga is part of the JMC program for young and excellent string players -

Goldman Chamber Music program, The Young Israeli Philharmonic

Orchestra and Huberman Program for gifted string players.

As part of her Scholar at the Jerusalem Music Center – Noga Has

participated in many Masterclasses among them with Prof Miriam Fried,

Prof Paul Biss, Prof Gregory Kalinovsky, Prof Ida Bieler, Prof Daniel

Gaede, Prof Yair Kless, Prof Boris Garlitzky and David Grimal.

Noga also attended Masterclasses internationally and through ICM,

Keshet Eilon and PMP with - Itzhak Perlman, Prof Li Lin, Prof Catherine

Cho, , Prof Ani Schnarch, Prof Nava Milo, Prof Irina Vasilievna Svetlova,

Prof Haim Taub, and Rachel Barton Pine.

Noga is twice a grand prix place with exceptional distinction at the

scholarship competition from the ICM.

Noga is an AICF scholar with an exceptional distinction and in 2021 gain

a special exceptional scholar.

Noga is a Scholar and the only Israeli and out of 6 violinists

internationally for year 2021 who was accepted to the prestigious

Perlman Music Program Summer Music School. age 10 Noga was

accepted to the Perlman Genesis Music program, age 12 participated at

the Israel Residency of the Perlman Music Program and Israel

Conservatory of Music Tel – Aviv.

Noga is Scholar from Ronen Foundation.

Noga plays on an Italian Violin Lorenzo Storioni 1780 generously loan to

her by Mr. Yehuda Zisaple.

Noga participates regularly at Keshet Elion׳s Seminars and preforms

regularly at the seminar׳s soloists concerts. 

Age 11 she was invited to a special Master class with former Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

Concertmaster Haim Taub. Age 12 She was invited as a young violinist

on special scholarship to the Keshet Eilon International Summer Course.

2022 – Noga performed in a soloists concert held by the Jerusalem

Music Center and Huberman Program for at Zucker Hall at Charles

Bronfman Auditorium in Tel – Aviv.

2021 – Participated at Young Soloists features some of the brightest rising-star musicians from the Israel Philharmonic Keynote and Sulamot.

On May 2020 – A soloist concert with Saint Saens 3rd Violin Concerto with HSO Haifa Symphony Orchestra with conductor Noam Tzur - was sadly cancelled due to COVID-19.

2019 - A Finalist Diploma - from the Arthur Grumiaux International Violin Competition in Brussels and a First Special Place at Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition – Brussels.

2018 – age 11 Noga performed at Charles Bronfman Auditorium in Tel - Aviv in Young Soloist concert, held by The Israel Philharmonic׳s

Keynote Program for music education and community outreach.

Noga Barlev | נגה ברלב

My relationship to Ronen Foundation

Video Clip

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